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Learn how to tolerate change by watching the video below. Related article: How to Deal With Uncertainty - 7 Tips for Coping with Our World Right Now...
By checking in with ourselves, we can determine if our mental health is suffering and take the necessary actions to get back on track. Asking yourself these questions can help you evaluate the state of your mental wellbeing. ...
You are probably wondering what to expect when meeting with a therapist for the first time. Don't worry. Hear some people's advice that can help you through the counselling process. ...
Are your mood and energy so low this time of year that you think you could have “winter blues” or seasonal affective disorder? Watch to learn tips on how to overcome winter blues. ...
A little encouragement and hope for you who may be struggling right now. Feel free to share this with someone whom you think might need it. #WorldMentalHealthDay ...
How is it like living with mental illness? Kara shares her mental illness journey in hopes of inspiring others that they can live a full, happy life despite their situation. Watch her wonderful story. ...
CBC radio approached the school to creatively contribute something for Black History Month. Maryama Addow, a Success Coach with The Family Centre and thirteen grade nine students jumped on the opportunity. The students were eager to produce a piece of…
At the very young age of fifteen, Jessica was exposed to significant trauma. After being sexually assaulted, she resorted to drugs, alcohol, and self-harm. Jessica tried counselling and medication. Yet, nothing could take away her depression, anxiety,…
Back-to-school season can be stressful and hectic—key parts of your child’s day such as eating a nutritious lunch can be easy to overlook. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of tips to help your transition to the new school year be as smooth…
Burnout leads to the inability to function well at work or in your personal life. It arises when chronic workplace stress has not been successfully managed. Chances are, you’ve probably experienced some form of burnout at least once in your life. Going…
When Aminata’s daughter became overwhelmed by her responsibilities, she broke down. Her children were then placed into foster care. “Even though [my daughter] didn't tell me, I know they are my grandchildren. That would be my responsibility to step…
Showing gratitude is one of the golden rules that guide us on how to treat others. From a young age, we were taught to be thankful to people who do good deeds to us. Being grateful helps build good relationships with the people around us and positively…
Calvin’s love for his daughters gave him the courage to hold his family together as a single parent. His daughters were put into care because their mother struggled with addiction and unhealthy relationships. When Calvin heard the news, he was living…
The Family Centre is committed to enhancing our practice by increasing our knowledge and understanding of the history of Indigenous people combined with opportunities to experience ceremonies, traditional teachings, and activities. Our hope is that we…
When we are unable to process our anger in healthy ways it can affect us physically. Becoming violent can damage our bodies with cuts and bruises. When stuffed down and buried inside, anger can manifest as migraine headaches, depression, and sexual dysfunction. …
May 5th is Hats on for Mental Health day, where people wear hats to help raise awareness of the importance of good mental health. Take a look at the way our Success Coaches are getting involved. ...
Trista was shocked the day her oldest sister called her from prison. She asked Trista to care for her baby, Briella, when she would be born. Angela is Trista's and her sister’s mom. She knew it would be a lot of work for Trista and decided that she…
Building a strong attachment with your child is important as it will help them stay on a healthy development track as they age. ...
Have you been feeling heavier lately? From the cold of winter and lack of sunlight, to COVID restrictions and an uncertain future, we are all carrying a lot. The first step to taking control of depression is to recognize its symptoms. ...
Crystal was caring for her grandchildren when her world turned upside down. She had been sober for sixteen years but was accused of using drugs and alcohol. The next day her grandchildren were taken into care. ...
The Family Centre acknowledges that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting ground, gathering place, and traveling route for the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene, and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.