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The Family Centre’s Indigenous Support Services team members Aubrey and Carol have been learning Cree under the guidance of Elder Dr. Leona Makokis. Dr. Makokis also gifted us our foster care program’s name, ohpikîhakan, and helped us develop our…
Smudging is a time-honoured ritual for clearing out negative energy and inviting balance into your space and day. In this tutorial, Tracy, our knowledge holder at The Family Centre, will walk you through the art of smudging, from selecting the right…
Have you ever considered becoming a foster parent but aren’t sure if it’s the right fit for you? You’re not alone, and many foster parents now have been curious about the same thing. Opening your home to become a foster family to children and youth…
Emotions like anger do not just go away on their own. We can no more stop feeling angry than we can stop feeling love or affection. Some people turn anger against themselves by eating or drinking, some people turn it against others verbally or physically,…
Download 20 alternatives to punishment printable guide here How do you react when your child refuses to brush their teeth or crashes the family car? Jumping to punishments like yelling, grounding, or taking away privileges is tempting. But here's the…
Life can sometimes feel like a never-ending rollercoaster of challenges, leaving you powerless and unsure how to move forward. But what if those challenges are the exact stepping stones to becoming a stronger, more empowered you? That’s the goal of…
‘New year, new me’ might be a bit unrealistic for many of us. Balancing big life changes and your job, children, and relationships can be hard. Reaching milestones can feel like climbing a mountain with no tools or gear. So, how can you conquer that…
Being a caregiver or parent is a journey filled with countless precious moments, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. You may experience frustration, stress, or feelings of overwhelm. The good news is you are not alone. Like Prince Harry said,…
Winter can be a challenging time for mental health. The short days, long nights, and coldweather often makes people feel sluggish, low, and gloomy compared to the sunnier and warmersummer months. However, winter doesn’t have to be a season of depression!…
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt Why is it important to build self-esteem? Self-esteem is a critical factor in our happiness and well-being. With low self-esteem, we may compare ourselves to others,…
As we move into the winter season, we begin to prepare for the upcoming holidays. Friends and family often talk about and make plans for celebrating and getting together. However, for many who have recently lost a loved one, this can be an especially…
Initially, kokum Rebecca was referred to Kun Wang, a Roots and Wings worker from Delton school, as part of our All In for Youth Program to develop parenting skills as she raised her grandchildren. During their time together, three of Rebecca’s family…
Vanessa and her husband, Don, always thought about helping other children. Their passion led them to the ohpikîhakan (“a child that is being raised”) program at The Family Centre. Once learning about this therapeutic foster care program, Vanessa…
Relationships are a vital part of life. However, as important as they are to our well-being, they can also be very challenging. Whether it’s with family, friends, or your significant other, we all hope that our relationships are a source of happiness,…
Wake up. Pretend I’m OK. Sleep. Is this your cycle? Sometimes it’s easier to pretend you’re OK than explaining why you’re not. We meet many people who live this cycle in our therapeutic support group. You are not alone. Not talking about…
It is unrealistic to think that we can get through life without some sort of emotional pain. As human beings, we all experience challenges that change and form us into the people we are today. Just living in the world presents us with continual risk.…
In grade eight, Ava struggled with setting boundaries, anger issues, and feeling out of place. This led to problems at school, such as low attendance and bad grades. “I was lashing out and not being able to keep things under control,” Ava confesses.…
Since 1942, The Family Centre (TFC) has been providing support services to families andchildren to help achieve our mission to promote healthy, safe, and economically viablecommunities. The Family Centre has a strong reputation for providing quality…
Raising a teenager can be a complicated and challenging task for parents. Your child, budding into a teenager, is starting to establish independence, form their own thoughts and opinions, and look to explore the world on their own and make decisions…
“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” — Maya Angelou It starts with a decision. This program can be your first step towards peace and mental wellness. Our Anxiety Therapy Group…
The Family Centre acknowledges that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting ground, gathering place, and traveling route for the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene, and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.